the transformation of the concept of families





Art. Right. Family. Evolution


Human relationships after important moments such as the Second World War have shown themselves to be increasingly transformed and flexible, generating great impacts on social life, an example of this is the scope and concept of family. It is verified that in more remote times family relationships were more lasting, either by the legal scope, that is, by the customary scope and this can be perceived in the works of Arts. Over the years, there is a greater liquidity of human actions that envision a change in transforming social vision and that ends up reflecting on the concept of family, a solid social institution. This can also be seen in the field of visual arts, evidencing this in the various works of art that make up the social universe. In this way, we seek to analyze the transformation of the concept of family portrayed from paintings and the significant portrait of art in works by national and international artists. The result of the research should enable the construction of a comparative line of the change in the concept of family resulting from the social transformation and the social and legal aspects, seeking to understand if there has been a liquidity of the concept of family or if, although with evolutions, it continues to remain as the institution solid foundation of social beginnings.


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Author Biographies

Carina Lopes, UFPEL

Specialization Student in Education and Ead Arts at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL) supervised by Professor Dr. Lauer Alves Nunes dos Santos; Doctoral Student of the Postgraduate Program in Human Rights at UNIJUI, Master in Law; Capes Fellow, linked to the PPGDH/UNIJUÍ research line “Democracy, Human Rights and Development”; adviser of Prof. Dr. Elenise Felzke Schonardie; Mediator in training at TJ/SC and AJURIS; Master in Law from URI Santo Ângelo; Specialist in Constitutional Law from UNISUL and in civil proceedings from ULBRA, Lawyer. E-mail: lopesdeo@hotmail.com.

Lauer Alves Nunes dos Santos, UFPEL

Graduated in Painting from the Federal University of Pelotas (1992), Master in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1997) and Ph.D. in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2003). He is currently a full professor at the Arts Center of the Federal University of Pelotas and director of the Leopoldo Gotuzzo Museum of Art. He works in Visual Arts, Design and Cinema courses. He has experience in the Arts area, mainly in the following segments: painting, contemporary art, design, curatorship and semiotics.


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How to Cite

Lopes, C., & Alves Nunes dos Santos, L. . (2022). DIALOGUE BETWEEN VISUAL ARTS AND LAW: the transformation of the concept of families. Momento - Diálogos Em Educação, 31(01), 285–302. https://doi.org/10.14295/momento.v31i01.13728

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