reflexões sobre a educação pública universal
Equidade, Direito à Educação, Educação PúblicaAbstract
Abstract: This article seeks to analyze the intricate relationship between universal public education and students in refugee situations, following a structure divided into two distinct parts. In the first section, after the introduction, we explore the historical evolution of universal public education, from its ancient roots to its consecration as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Our intention in this stage is to contextualize the development of this concept over time, exploring philosophical influences, especially those of the Enlightenment. Through a historical approach, we identify fundamental milestones that have shaped the contemporary perception of equitable access to knowledge. In the second part, we adopt a reflective methodological approach that considers inherent challenges in achieving the universalization of public education, with a focus on students in refugee situations. We analyze social, cultural, and bureaucratic barriers that can restrict equitable access, as well as the experiences of these students in the face of obstacles such as language barriers and cultural adaptation. Our intention is to reflect on the implications of these challenges and consider the relevance of inclusive educational policies. By exploring the history of universal public education and analyzing the complexities faced by students in refugee situations, this article seeks to offer a holistic understanding of the interaction between theory and practice, contributing to a conscious debate on this pressing topic.
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