an invitation to a view from complexity, transdiscipline and critical pedagogy




Higher education, Complexity, Transdisciplinary, Critical pedagogy


Faced with the civilizational crisis, more evident in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to analyze and reflect on educational practice from new pedagogical approaches that allow addressing the educational problem. Some authors speak, more than a pandemic, of a Syndemic, which requires positioning our analysis from new ways of looking at reality. In this, it is necessary to recognize the complexity of educational problems and the characteristics and conditions of social actors, teachers and learners. The pedagogical act considers the different positions of educational theory, especially critical pedagogy and the sociocultural perspective. In this sense, in addition to complexity and transdisciplinary, it is considered necessary to leave traditional teaching behind to incorporate new approaches to “differentiated education” and “pedagogy of otherness”. Emancipation is essential, with an approach to decolonize training and ways of sharing and co-building knowledge. In this process, the epistemologies of the South take on great relevance. Here we seek to reposition the crucial role that teaching has, specifically didactics in the scientific and cultural field, when analyzing Pedagogy and didactics of Complexity in the challenges of moving from a focus of education and individual health to that of collective health. Here, the transdisciplinary is incorporated as a reference to create bridges of knowledge between disciplines and thoughts for the training of professionals in higher education. It seeks to recover discussions that put knowledge in its social process, and of educational practices as contexts within training in health sciences and pedagogy.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Jerónimo Montes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Profesor de Carrera de Tiempo Completo en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza (FES Zaragoza, UNAM), Doctor en Pedagogía en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), con Maestría en Enseñanza Superior en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Diplomado en Investigación Educativa UNAM, Especialista en Formación Abierta y a Distancia a través de Redes Digitales por la Universidad de Murcia, España; Especialista en Tecnologías en Red (Tutor on-line) por la Universidad de Salamanca. Responsable del Grupo de Investigación y Formación en Educación Abierta y a Distancia utilizando los servicios de la Red Internet (Red RITUAL),  Coordinador de la RED IDEA de Innovación e Investigación para el Desarrollo de los Aprendizajes, integrante de la Cátedra UNESCO-ICDE de Movimiento Educativo Abierto.


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How to Cite

Jerónimo Montes, J. A. (2021). TRAINING IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE FACE OF THE CIVILIZATIONAL CRISIS: an invitation to a view from complexity, transdiscipline and critical pedagogy. Momento - Diálogos Em Educação, 30(03), 30–47.

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