
  • Nildo Eli Marques D'Ávila
  • Maria Estela B. da Rocha
  • Alan Castro D'Avila
  • Ana Paula Conceição
  • Inês Gullich


SIDA, Criança, Adolescente, Desistentes do tratamento


Description: a female patient, born in May 16th, 1991, adopted at nine months old, had her first tests at 16 months old and diagnostic confirmation around the two years old1. The Intravenous Human Immunoglobulin was her first medicine. She had Zidovudine as isolated drug from 1995 to 1996; in December of the latter, a double scheme began through liberation of the oral solution didanosine for children use. Until the year of 2000, during the double scheme, she had a bacterial meningitis associated with a torso herpes zoster; after the cure, she started a new therapeutic scheme including Zidovudine, Lamivudine and Stocrins. Up to that moment, with 9 years old, she had a stable childhood, as all children of such age, with the same respiratory infections, flues, fevers, diarrheas, with no repercussion in her growth or development. As the school began, she had a bigger exposure, more opportunist diseases, a pulmonary tuberculosis, more drugs, routine modifications, incompatible schedules with medicines, and the pills became to appear in the drawers, in the toilette trash etc. Then, information about her condition as contaminated was open by the family and the doctors. She did not run from the questions or the understanding. However, an event of aggressive exposure of her condition at school started a complex period of rebelliousness and rejection. A lot of the already assimilated concepts and defined positions ceased to be accepted, and the medicine adhesion had a big impact. The exams demonstrated rude alterations of immunologic and serologic worsening, and the psychological help was rejected. Later, all that turned out to be a slow and progressive way to a negative end. Comments: the description evidences that the work developed in the treatment and attendance of HIV carrier children and AIDS sick persons have multiple factors interfering with the evolving result. This case shows how the transition period from childhood to adolescence may lead to undesirable manifestations, significantly transforming the end.


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Author Biography

Nildo Eli Marques D'Ávila

Faculdade de Medicina



How to Cite

D’Ávila, N. E. M., Rocha, M. E. B. da, D’Avila, A. C., Conceição, A. P., & Gullich, I. (2011). IMPACT OF ADOLESCENCE WITH SIDA AND THE MEDICINE ADHESION. VITTALLE - Revista De Ciências Da Saúde, 21(1), 31–36. Retrieved from


