O uso de produtos à base de Cannabis sp. no tratamento de transtornos de ansiedade: uma revisão de escopo
ansiedade, transtornos de ansiedade, cannabis, cannabinoide, cannabidiol (CBD), Δ-9-tetrahidrocanabinol (THC)Abstract
Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric illnesses in the world population. Conventional anxiolytic drugs do not show a good therapeutic response. Several studies have described that cannabinoid compounds have anxiolytic properties. This scoping review aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of these compounds in the treatment of anxiety disorders. 14 clinical studies published in the English language until December 2022 were included. In most studies, cannabidiol (CBD) presented an anxiolytic effect, the effect of which appears to involve the modulation of the activity of the amygdala and the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex. Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) presented a distinct modulatory profile depending on the dose. Despite the promising results, some gaps were observed regarding the presence of adverse effects resulting from exposure to these pharmacological agents in the articles evaluated. The present study suggests that the use of cannabinoids derived or not from Cannabis can cause various impacts on the nervous system, particularly on anxiety and mood states, and can produce both anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects, depending on the substance (CBD, THC or combination of these agents) of the dosage, and of the subjects. Future research with greater scientific rigor and better characterization of formulations, larger samples and addressing chronic use and its adverse effects are needed.