Epidemiological profile of reported cases of syphilis in men and women aged 15 to 49 in Brazil in 2019
sífilis, ISTs, Brasil, mortalidade, incidência, DALYsAbstract
Abstract: The study aimed to analyze the epidemiological profile of reported cases of syphilis in the female and male population of Brazil in 2019, limited to the age range of 15 to 49 years. It has a quantitative and descriptive approach, and was carried out through searches in the GBD Study database for the topic Syphilis, in addition to the some of platform tools to restrict the search to each biological sex, Brazilian states, age group, the year of 2019 and also the annual variation in the period between 1990 and 2019. The results show that syphilis mainly affects females in the aspects analyzed, namely: death, DALYs, incidence and the annual rate of change of each parameter. Therefore, it is suggested that public policies for the diagnosis, treatment, awareness of syphilis are aimed at the general population, with a bigger focus on women of reproductive age, in order to reduce the spread of the T. pallidum bacteria and, consequently, the variables deaths, DALYs and incidence.
Keywords: Syphilis, STIs, Brazil, deaths, incidence, DALYs.