Educação em saúde para pessoa idosa em uso de cateter vesical de demora no domicílio: construção de infográfico animado
Cateterismo urinário, cuidados de enfermagem, idoso, serviços de assistência domiciliar, animação, tecnologia educacionalAbstract
Objective: To describe the construction process of an educational animated infographic to guide the care of the elderly with indwelling indwelling urinary catheter. Methods: Methodological study composed of three stages: pre-production stage was developed the creation of the script from integrative review started in March 2020 and field research in a urological institution of Florianópolis with application of questionnaire with elderly occurred between May and July 2020. And developed the art direction, voice recording, Storyboard and Amimatec for the junction of voice and images. In the production stage where the execution of the animation was contemplated. In the post-production stage the infographic was evaluated by six nurses from the institution and six elderly participants in the study. The qualitative data coming from the literature review and questionnaires received thematic analysis and the quantitative data were submitted to descriptive statistics. Results: The infographic was composed of 65 screens and duration of 7 minutes and 35 seconds, contemplating general care with hygiene, sleep and rest, eliminations and leisure. The elderly need correct orientations, aimed at the demands of old age, and the infographic can help in this learning process, thus avoiding complications resulting from inadequate handling of the catheter. Conclusion: It is believed that the construction of this infographic will help as a tool for health education guidance, contributing to the preparation of post-surgical elderly patients who go home with indwelling urinary catheter, minimizing complications and insecurities for them and their family caregivers.