Proposal of Hubs in Northeast Brazil for High-Performance Equipment Importation from Europe and Southeast Asia: An Integrated Computational Model of Fuzzy Logic, OWA, and Optimization


  • Jessika Kauanny de Souza Eurico Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brasil
  • Natalie von Paraski Instituto Federal de São Paulo, São José dos Campos, Brasil
  • Eduardo Silva Palmeira Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brasil
  • Francisco Bruno Souza Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, Brasil



Optimization, CO2 emission, Fuzzy graphs


In the context of international logistics, efficiency and sustainability are crucial. This study proposes the reconfiguration of the airline network in Brazil, using airports in the Northeast as hubs for imports from Europe and Asia. The methodology uses fuzzy graphs and the OWA operator to model and optimize routes, considering multiple criteria such as distance, flight time, CO2 emissions and freight cost. The initial analysis demonstrates the viability of the model, offering a solid basis for future research that will expand the scope to 67 international airports and refine the definition of criteria weights. The study aims to improve logistical efficiency, reduce costs and carbon emissions, and promote sustainable regional development.


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How to Cite

de Souza Eurico, J. K., von Paraski, N., Palmeira, E. S., & Oliveira , F. B. S. (2025). Proposal of Hubs in Northeast Brazil for High-Performance Equipment Importation from Europe and Southeast Asia: An Integrated Computational Model of Fuzzy Logic, OWA, and Optimization. VETOR - Journal of Exact Sciences and Engineering, 35(1), e18564.



Special Section XXVII ENMC/XV ECTM

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