IPSAL: Implementation of Morris Elementary Effects Method for Vector Output
Elementary Effect, Sensitivity Analysis, Morris Method, IPSAL, ScilabAbstract
Sensitivity analysis is essential for understanding the impact of a model's inputs on its output. The study identifies which inputs are influential in a model. The assessment of a model's sensitivity can be analyzed locally, only around a nominal point in the input sample space, or globally, considering changes within the entire input mutability space. The Morris method is a all-at-a-time, one-input-at-a-time, global analysis method. It generates sets of model inputs using a random sampling strategy, which is achieved through so-called trajectory matrices. The Morris method uses the mean and standard deviation of elementary effects to infer the model's sensitivity to an input, and possible correlations between them. It is in this sense that the objective of this work is to present the Morris module in the Inverse Problem and Sensitivity Analysis Library developed in Scilab, applied in a practical case.Downloads
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