Design and Experimentation of an Active Bandpass Filter for the First Stage in Audio Amplification




Audio signals, Amplifiers, Signal processing, Filters, Analog Electronics


Audio signal processing is an important area in Electronic Engineering, which can be used from communication systems to entertainment systems. Among the various equipment used in this processing, we have the audio amplifiers, responsible for increasing the power of the signals to be transmitted via radio waves, cables or by the environment. The first stage of an amplification circuit is the reception of the electrical signal from an input transducer. This requires a circuit that functions as buffer, amplifier, and bandpass filter. These three functions can be performed by a circuit based on an Operational Amplifier in the non-inverting configuration with two resistors and two capacitors that need to be calculated to meet certain desired specifications in the frequency domain. In this article we present a new procedure for the design of this circuit. We apply the developed script, calculate the values of the components, implemented the circuit on a bench, tested and compare the theoretical and experimental Bode diagrams for the audible sound range. Finally, we show that the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical ones and we conclude the work by providing designers with an interesting script to be used in workbenches.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Pontes Bueno, Instituto Federal do Paraná - Campus Telêmaco Borba

Estudante de Engenharia Elétrica

Camille Vitoria Pereira de Souza, Instituto Federal do Paraná - Campus Telêmaco Borba

Estudante de Licenciatura em Física


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How to Cite

Evaristo, R. M., Bueno, M. P., & Souza, C. V. P. de. (2024). Design and Experimentation of an Active Bandpass Filter for the First Stage in Audio Amplification. VETOR - Journal of Exact Sciences and Engineering, 34(1), 37–44.




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