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Novel Approaches on Reactor Core Design Optimization Problem




Nuclear reactor core design, Optimization, Differential Evolution, Invasive Weed Optimization, Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm


Nuclear reactor core design is an optimization problem concerning the pertinent choice of a series of parameters that must obey some technical and physical constraints. Several methods have been applied in literature in order to obtain the optimal solution for this problem. The present work aims to provide a comparative analysis of two optimization methodologies in the reactor core design, as follows: Invasive Weed Optimization and Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm.


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How to Cite

Abud Kappel, M. A., Napoleão Bastos, I., Lucas dos Santos Souza, C., Barbosa Libotte, G., Pinheiro Domingos, R., & Mendes Platt, G. (2021). Novel Approaches on Reactor Core Design Optimization Problem. VETOR - Journal of Exact Sciences and Engineering, 31(1), 104–117.



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