Ecoinovação e cidadania digital
desenvolvimento de aplicativo para mapeamento de espécies herbáceas e arbustivas nativas da flora do cerrado
Environmental Education, environmental perception, educational technologyAbstract
It is necessary to innovate seeking to raise students' awareness of environmental problems with alternatives to change attitudes through the use of educational technology and social media. The development of technological tools has become a condition in the search for interaction between society and green spaces. A research was based on bibliographic and exploratory analysis as a basis for the implementation of the application for mobile devices compatible with the Android operating system. For the collection of species record, geolocation, photography, scientific name and description were used. 360 herbaceous and shrub species native to the cerrado flora were pre-registered, promoting environmental perception through user interaction in the mapping of species with comments, likes, profile consultation, visualization of the location of the closest species and shares, being a potential instrument mediator of Environmental Education (EA) and at the end mitigating proposals are presented.
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