Combat sports are contents of the body culture of movement, and their development should be carried out in school physical education classes. Its application demands, as for other thematic units, basic prior knowledge, in this way there is no need for specialization of technical gestures and segregation by sport. Some teachers of basic education have difficulties when working the struggles, classifying them in restrictive factors. In this way, the present study presents a proposal for the theoretical-practical instrumentalization of Physical Education students to the content and practice of combat sports, for later application of classes in the context of the school. As for the methods, we sought to exemplify a didactic-methodological teaching proposal, from the portrait of the reality in question in a complete and profound way, in a case study model, tracing a complete analysis about the development of the pedagogical proposals of the discipline and the teacher in training in which the singularity of the object of study is evident. During the dynamics developed in class, the academics had practical contact with combat modalities and, later, worked in the production of textbooks. The teaching actions in schools were dynamized in restrictive factors, with the focus being on deficient higher education, lack of infrastructure and students' lack of interest in the dynamics offered, situations that can be corrected by approaching educational institutions, creating bonds of research and university extension, emphasizing the continuing education of professors. In contrast, for action proposals, academics developed textbooks and, in gradual evolution, approached the content and revealed greater security for the teaching practice in the content. Thus, it is concluded that from the instrumentalization with theoretical-practical participation of teachers and students, professional training and practice in educational institutions becomes safer and, consequently, of greater pleasure and use for the entire school community.