Trajetórias judiciais e suas representações históricas no Império Romano: Tibério César e o julgamento de Clutório Prisco (21 d.C).
Representação Histórica, Literatura Judicial, Império RomanoAbstract
Literary representations of trials are fundamental for an in-depth understanding of the socio-political reality of the early Roman Empire and the narrative structures used in the image construction of historical figures of the period. The judicial trajectories offer a variety of historiographical representations and interpretations incorporated into a vast image repertoire in which historical accuracy was not the main interest, but the decorum and verisimilitude in front of the literary tradition expectations. Against this background, this paper analyses the ancient narratives about the trial of Clutorius Priscus (21 AD) and how their rhetorical elements influenced the construction of the historical images of Emperor Tiberius Caesar (14 AD - 37 AD) and the justice administration during his reign.
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