An Unofficial Curriculum



Mots-clés :

Sign language. Sign language curriculum. Chilean Sign Language. Deaf Education. Chilean Deaf Education.


In Chile, there is not yet an official Chilean Sign Language (LSCh) curriculum. LSCh was considered just as a means of communication for many years (Law 20.422, 2010). Recently, thanks to the modification of the law, LSCh is now recognized as a natural, native language and intangible heritage of Chilean deaf people (Law 21.303, 2021). The law also states that deaf children's right to be educated and get access to the national curriculum in ChSL as their first language must be respected. Despite the absence of an official LSCh curriculum, educational experiences do exist in both special and mainstream schools with deaf students, in which LSCh has been incorporated as a means of teaching the national curriculum. This article presents an analysis of the current implementation of educational plans and programs for deaf students in which LSCh has been integrated. With this aim in mind, experiences and opinions of members from different educational contexts and communities were collected, and representatives of organizations that elaborate educational policies were consulted.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Maribel González Moraga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

PhD, Academic and Researcher, at the Department of Special School of Education, Faculty of Education at the Universidad de las Américas, Santiago, Chile.

Karina Muñoz Vilugrón, Universidad Austral de Chile

PhD, Academic and Researcher at the Special School of Education of the Pedagogical Specialties Institute at the Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Montt, Chile. 


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Comment citer

Moraga, M. G., & Vilugrón, K. M. (2022). SIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING EXPERIENCES IN CHILEAN DEAF EDUCATION: An Unofficial Curriculum. Momento - Diálogos Em Educação, 31(02), 374–393.

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