Developing a national curriculum for first and second language learners of Auslan in Australian schools




Auslan. Curriculum. Signed language pedagogy.


Australia’s education system has historically been premised on state and territory-based curricula, until the development of a national curriculum in each learning area, released in stages from 2014. This paper will discuss the curriculum development process for the Auslan curriculum in the Languages learning area, which delivered an endorsed blueprint for the formal teaching and learning of Auslan in Australian schools from 2017. Unique features of the curriculum will be outlined, such as the dual-pathways for first and second language learners of Auslan, and the different sequence entry points, specifically designed to meet the needs of deaf children in both the early primary school years, as well as those who are late learners of a first language, entering secondary school with limited spoken and/or signed language later in childhood. The paper will provide an overview of the structure and content of the curriculum and the nature of the learners, and conclude with some of the opportunities and challenges arising from this initiative, such as the ongoing lack of quality resources that exist for its day-to-day implementation in schools nation-wide.


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Author Biographies

Breda Carty, Macquarie University

PhD in History from Griffith University, and Adjunct Fellow at Macquarie University, Australia. She has published widely on Deaf Studies topics. Her book Managing Their Own Affairs: The Australian Deaf Community During the 1920s and 1930s was published by Gallaudet University Press in 2018. 

Karen Bontempo, Macquarie University

PhD in Linguistics from Macquarie University, Australia, where she is an Adjunct Fellow. Her research and past publications largely centre on signed language interpreter aptitude, interpreting pedagogy, and interpreter performance. 

Louise de Beuzeville, Macquarie University

PhD in Linguistics from University of Newcastle and Conjoint Lecturer at Macquarie University, Australia. Her research focuses on the acquisition of Auslan by deaf children, and the use of space in Auslan by deaf native-signing adults. 


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How to Cite

Carty, B., Bontempo, K., & Beuzeville, L. de. (2022). SIGNS OF LEARNING: Developing a national curriculum for first and second language learners of Auslan in Australian schools. Momento - Diálogos Em Educação, 31(02), 417–448.

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