ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Living together in incertitude and complexity contexts.


  • Gustavo Ferreira da Costa Lima


Educação Ambiental, Mudanças climáticas, Complexidade


The paper questions the complexity of climate change and its relation with education. It discusses the contributions that education can bring to this problem and the challenges that she meets to transform individuals towards climate crisis equating. The reflection dialogues with area’s literature and also with theoretical contributions of critical environmental education, political ecology, complexity thought and Beck and Giddens risk sociology. Defends the argument and concludes that environmental education has a rich contribution to offer to climate challenges since it could create critical and complex educational environments able to go beyond the reductionisms that points the recent debate and the answers that insists in repeating past experiences even if they are in the roots of present crisis.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Ferreira da Costa Lima

Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela UNICAMP.Professor e pesquisador do departamento de ciências sociais e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente - PRODEMA ambos da Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB.



How to Cite

Lima, G. F. da C. (2013). ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE: Living together in incertitude and complexity contexts. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 18(1), 91–112. Retrieved from https://furg.emnuvens.com.br/ambeduc/article/view/2623


