Potential of technical visits to the Skills Development: the case of Community Garden in Morro da Coroa


  • Rafael Angelo Fortunato
  • Elza Neffa
  • Maria Geralda Miranda


visitas técnicas, encontros, competências, identidade.


This work is investigating the potential of technical visits that occur in the Community Garden in Crown Hill in Santa Teresa / RJ. We tested the development of skills through the interpretation of the meanings attributed by social actors working in productive activities on site. The qualitative research was developed with the monitoring and analysis of the experiences of visitors and visited. Students have reproduced some of the activities in another community in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro (Morro do Salgueiro) and produced a documentary called "Playing Health." Since this scenario, highlights the importance of technical visits to the development of new skills, when considering the following areas: educational communication, action research and social technology.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Angelo Fortunato

Doutor em Ciências - PPGMA/UERJ; Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Turismo da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Professor do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Local da UNISUAM

Elza Neffa

Professora da Faculdade de Educação e do Doutorado em Meio Ambiente da UERJ

Maria Geralda Miranda

Coordenadora do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Local da UNISUAM



How to Cite

Fortunato, R. A., Neffa, E., & Miranda, M. G. (2012). Potential of technical visits to the Skills Development: the case of Community Garden in Morro da Coroa. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 17(1), 29–45. Retrieved from https://furg.emnuvens.com.br/ambeduc/article/view/2556


