Uma visão sócio-jurídica da terceira idade sob o viés da Educação Ambiental
Idoso, Direitos, Educação AmbientalAbstract
As longevity increases, the view people have of senior citizens has gone through changes and gotten new meanings. Traditional images that used to identify old age as a phase in which there were physical and cognitive losses, besides lack of productivity, cannot be accepted anymore. A new concept of old age and aging has become a social necessity. This paper aims at reflecting on aging by focusing on Environmental and Gerontological Education, which are responsible for changing the current scenario in which senior citizens are still undervalued. It also aims at discussing the rights that senior citizens have in Brazil. The education of human resources to reach this objective is fundamental to promote quality of life in old age. Senior citizens have to have their physical, psychological and cultural needs met. It demands a socio-environmental project which aims at their development. In the legislative field, the Senior Citizen Statute (Law no. 10741 – October 1st, 2003) broadens and ensures the rights of citizens over 60 years old by supporting and protecting them. Educational Gerontology has contributed to the education of senior citizens and of professionals who deal with old age. Therefore, senior citizens have been included in the social context and myths and prejudice towards old age have been mitigated. It has also raised the senior citizens’ awareness regarding their rights and their potential, which had been unknown to them so far. Dialogue with social diversity, which is enabled by an environmental view, grounds and broadens the need to build a new level in society. As a political action, Environmental Education claims for a new social organization, by broadening the senior citizens’ horizons and by leading changes to improve their quality of life.Downloads
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How to Cite
Porto, I., Veras Neto, F. Q., & Porciuncula, A. da S. (2011). Uma visão sócio-jurídica da terceira idade sob o viés da Educação Ambiental. Ambiente & Educação: Revista De Educação Ambiental, 16(1), 99–112. Retrieved from